Getting Into the Flow
The first week of classes is officially out of the way, and I feel I have a better grasp on what my life will be like as an Ohio Northern University student. I will admit I did feel overwhelmed the first couple of days, and didn't know whether or not I could do it. Now I have a sense of routine, and understanding of what my classes are about.
Learning and adapting to things as I go was a big part of the first week. Learning how to use the printers in the library was an accomplishment to me, especially since I haven't had to print anything in the past 5 years. Realizing that I won't survive long without a planner was another thing that I achieved during the first week. Also taking the advice of others is important, because thinking you can do all of this on your own is a ridiculous thought. I live thirty minutes away from campus and I don't want to eat fast food, or WOW Cafe every day, so I devised a routine in the mornings to incorporate packing a lunch for later in the day. It's the little things that are going to make life at ONU easier, and less stressful in the long run.

Another thing I'm getting excited about is jumping into campus activities that students host and want other students to join. There are flyers all over campus inviting people to join their activities and clubs. I was walking past the bookstore today and I saw a flyer for Zumba With Zoe, and I couldn't pull my phone out fast enough to take a picture, because I've always wanted to join a Zumba class. I feel it's things like exercise classes and clubs that keep your routine fun, and interesting.
Learning and adapting to things as I go was a big part of the first week. Learning how to use the printers in the library was an accomplishment to me, especially since I haven't had to print anything in the past 5 years. Realizing that I won't survive long without a planner was another thing that I achieved during the first week. Also taking the advice of others is important, because thinking you can do all of this on your own is a ridiculous thought. I live thirty minutes away from campus and I don't want to eat fast food, or WOW Cafe every day, so I devised a routine in the mornings to incorporate packing a lunch for later in the day. It's the little things that are going to make life at ONU easier, and less stressful in the long run.

Another thing I'm getting excited about is jumping into campus activities that students host and want other students to join. There are flyers all over campus inviting people to join their activities and clubs. I was walking past the bookstore today and I saw a flyer for Zumba With Zoe, and I couldn't pull my phone out fast enough to take a picture, because I've always wanted to join a Zumba class. I feel it's things like exercise classes and clubs that keep your routine fun, and interesting.
Oh the Zumba instructor is Zoe. She's the nicest human being I know in Ohio Northern. Just like you I was also struggling a lot especially because I came a week earlier than most of the people. I remember eating alone at McIntosh and she walked up to me and said " Do you need a breakfast buddy?" I've been friends ever since and I'm pretty sure she's a good instructor. Have fun and good luck!