"The Art of Social Media" Ch. 11 and 12

Do you remember the first time you ever used Twitter? What about the first tweet you tweeted? I can't remember my first tweet, but I can remember the feeling of not understanding what I am doing, and asking "why is my post is called a tweet.?" Over the years I've gotten better at using Twitter, and doing basic things like tweeting and retweeting. I wasn't studying the depths of Twitter like I am now, but I was learning through what friends would show me and blindly figuring it out myself (like how I do most things in life.) Twitter is one of my favorite social networking sites to scroll, retweet and see what people are saying about trending topics. 

One thing I've learned about using Twitter that I didn't know before is if you're addressing a certain person and you want everyone to see your tweet, add at least a dot in front of the name that way everyone can see the tweet. If you use the person's Twitter handle without the dot, the only people who will see it is the both of us and our followers. A couple other things I learned are that you can tag up to ten people per photo, and you can have up to 4 photos per tweet. Also, always add a graphic to your tweet if you can, because tweets with graphics attract more attention. 

My most recent discovery on Twitter is @brittany_broski, she is the recently famous kombucha meme girl and her tweets are hilarious. I implore you to go and follow her if you haven't already.  


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