"Social Media for Strategic Communication" Ch. 9

The concept of content curation didn't resonate with me until I started taking my social media class at ONU. Most people don't realize but there is a difference between content creation and curation. Content Curation is the process of sorting through large amounts of content on the web and presenting the best posts in a meaningful and organized way. The process can include, sorting, arranging and placing found content into specific themes and then publishing that information. There are a couple practices you can keep in mind when applying content curation to your social media, one concept is making it personal. Another thing is people gravitate toward valuable content. Lastly, Content curation shouldn't take too much of your time but it should be a factor in your daily routine.

Once you curate and share pieces of information from different publishers or writers you also get recognized for the efforts. However, they will expect to get their due credit and link back to the original article. Make sure that you enable such links and give credit where credit is due. One of the best aspects about content curation is it gives you a much wider exposure. Curation is a less expensive form of sourcing content but you will need some sort of budget for editing and distribution support eventually. Curation gives a new life to your brand and differentiates yourself from the crowd. Content Curation is about generating trust in your field and personalizing your content on social media platforms. 


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